Monday, April 15, 2019

My Hobbies:

In my free time I like do sports. I go to the park and I run along, I do this activity since  I was 15 years old. I like to see TV series, such as Daredevil, -it is the story of a blind lawyer, that fight in the night for justice, similar to Batman. The TV series I watched are recient, of last holydays, because I did not have Netflix. However I like to watch horror series, such as, The Walking Dead or American Horror Story. I think they show the most sensitive side of human beings in complex situations. well...

Also, in my free times I walk in the park to my dogs, I throw a ball and they run, then, I come home and play guitar, I learn imitating rock song from my favourite bands. Sometimes I create some songs.

My main activity is riding to bicycle to go to FAU, sometimes I visit San Cristobal hill from there, and I climb up to the virgin. What I like the most is feeling the adrenaline when going down to the hill.

1 comment:

A family member Hello, today I write about a member of my family, that although he does'nt live with me, I have always considered him ...