Tuesday, July 2, 2019

A walk that would repeat

Once we went to the Cajón del Maipo in winter season with my family, about 3 years ago, therefore, it was very cold and there was snow. It was entertaining because I love the winter and we went up contemplating the snowy landscape in a vehicle, without any equipment for the car, which was also small, but had no problem climbing the Andes, with all the mud that had the track we managed to reach a sufficient height and we spent the afternoon there doing a barbecue, and we had a lot of fun with my little sister because we threw ourselves in plastic boards on the slopes full of ice and snow. We had never gones as a family before to spend a weekend in such an inhospitable environment, I don´t think we will return, because my mon did´nt like the cold (hahaha). But I could go back, I had considered going with who I wanted to accompany me soon, even my sister would be encouraged to go. Even though I am 23 years old I still have the energy to withstand low temperatures next to a good fire and play like a child.

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A family member Hello, today I write about a member of my family, that although he does'nt live with me, I have always considered him ...