Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A TV programme I watched as a child

When I was a child, I watched 31 minutos series, this is puppet animation, they made work of reports of situations of the daily life in Santiago. the main characters are Julio Triviño, he was TV driver, Juan Carlos Bodoque, he was the reporter. The serie was develop between years 2003 to 2014, I saw this series until I was 13 years old. I liked this serie because it was original, I had never seen a puppet show on the television menu.
Other TV series was Dragon Ball, this is a cartoon japanese "Manga" is about of warriors who fight on the basis of martial arts, against characters who want to destroy the Earth and its inhabitants,  published in 1984 and adapted to television in 1986, I started watching the series on TV open at 3 years old, in 1998 when  the third season was published "Dragon Ball GT". This series until today delivers new seasons, although they are´not constant. This series undoubtedly marked the childhood of my generation.

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A family member Hello, today I write about a member of my family, that although he does'nt live with me, I have always considered him ...